Defining Industry 5.0 in plain English

Describing Industry 5.0 in Plain English

While we are discussing “meanings” let’s look at what the move from Industry 4.0 to 5.0 mean. Industry 4.0 was all about integrating and connecting through IoT and smart automation. Now Industry 5.0 builds upon those fundamentals but focuses on being human-centric and sustainable, something unique in this day, and age of AI. 

This industry paper canvassed some 360 manufacturing decision makers. It explores their challenges and progress to save costs, their efforts to adopt more efficient and resilient working practices and how they can support their employees whilst introducing sustainable policies. 

This research found that skills shortage is still an issue: 

Technology adoption and usage is still being hampered by a lack of training: 

Manufacturing 5.0 may be on the agenda but it’s not yet a reality: 

For more details please refer to the report – Making way for Industry 5.0 research report